Tuesday, 25 May 2010

Okay today was boring apart from Sarah was in today - you can guess what happened though - ran for bus, went to Raja's, had a laugh with Anthony in English, went to Touch at lunch, came home and argued.
But today I'm going to introduce you to my friends. Firstly there is Lauren. She is a really truly amazing person with such a brilliant personality and the world would be a better place if there was more genuinley kind people like Lauren. Yeah okay sometimes we get at each others throats like sisters, well more like i get at her throat (quite literally lol) but honestly my life would be very different probably much worse were it not for Lauren always up for a laugh and always there to talk to. Thanks ;) Then there is Sarah shes hardly ever in school (grr) but when she is shes fantastic, upfront, and a loyal friend, and ive known her really since we were kids, Then Anthony - were really similar, a bit geeky tbqh, find the same things funny, hes a real laugh and scary when he free runs off tall stuff, random, loyal and generous, then Dawid a pain sometimes lol but great company, funny when he wants to be and a fabulous friend. And everyone else Kirstin, Daniel, Kelly-Anne, Mark, Abby and more :D LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU MAKE SCHOOL WORTH IT!!!!!!!!!! AND LETS MAKE 3RD YEAR GO OUT WITH A BANG!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, 24 May 2010

Today has been pretty stressy - well not really but thats what sort of mood im in now since 6th period where it was one of those 'stay calm, stay calm, stay calm, f£%$ it!' 'What the hell you stupid immature cow just get a bloody grip already and get over yourself' sort of moments with Alana - now for those of you that are lucky enough to have never met Alana - she is a slapper who is so far up her own arse shes inside out, and for whatever reason if she thinks shes funny or hard or whatever she likes to take the piss out of and wind up almost anyone who isnt her friend for any reason she will find, when really theres nothing that special at all about her, and she has been giving me and my friend lauren bother for a while and i swear to god if that bitch isn careful one of these days im going to properly lose my temper with her,

anyway got that out my system and sorry dont usually swear in posts but felt the need to on this paticular occasion,.

before 6th period today was alright i suppose, had english first and continueing our stories on the holocaust which meant as usual laughing around with anthony which today was about the bobobo rap which i have yet to look up then chemistry where our teachers excuse for not correcting our tests was it was too sunny and and i was joking around saying next time he issues us with homework ill say 'sorry sir, didnt do the homework, it was too sunny', well then it was break which was pretty samey then rmps and telelogical arguement again then spanish where we were role-playing being customers and wait(er/ress) in spanish and we got to use plastic euros *wooah exiting* she says sarcastically, then lunch which as usual was a walk to touch then back again for wandering aimlessly around the field disscussing annoying mothers (grr) then rounders in pe which me and lol were on the same team (for once, yay) then...maths!!!!!! >:(

Then i came home, argued with my mum, then spent the rest of the day in my room on my laptop
so all in all its been a pretty mormal day, hmm the end

Tuesday, 18 May 2010

Today as usual I woke up late, ran for bus, had a boring bus journey then went to Raja's and bought LOADS of Irn Bru because it was on offer. Then I met with Lauren and then with Emma who is in the year below us and was Lauren's friend originally but now a friend of us both, a really nice fun-loving horse-obsessed girl who likes to drink all your juice. Me and Emma were happy to sit and chat in the sun but Lauren wanted to walk down to the stream (which is ages away). So Lauren stole my bag so Emma ran after her, wrestled her and got it back. Yay! Then I had English and our teacher was off still and Anthony and me had finished all the work the period before so we just sat, looked busy and chatted. And Anthony showed me this tiny metal totem-thing which had a name which he told me and I have now completely forgotton - but anyway it is a Budhist good luck thing which he carries around (Anthony's Mum is a Budhist by the way and he is a practising Budhist but doesnt really believe in religion and his father and school are Christian). And to the point it had a swastiker (I know its spelt wrong but you know what I mean - the Nazi symbol) on it and then Anthony was laughing that he was really a Nazi terrorist. Again I guess you had to be there to find it funny and we also took the mick out of an Irish author called Brian Moore who preffered his name to be pronounced Bree-ann which is just weird and sounds like a girls name. Then Maths which was dull as ever - you dont know how much I want to move up a class to be with Anthony and Daniel and everyone I know. In our 3rd year exams I did as well as most people in that class but still have to stay in my boring class. Anyway then it was break and me and Emma walked to the food vans beside our school to buy chips, then came back, found a wall to sit on to enjoy the sun and then Lauren came over in a mood because we didnt come to find her. Sorry Lol!! Then we had French which we were in a different room due to exam special arrangements and because me and Lauren were slightly late because we forgot to go to our lockers in time there was hardly any seats left so I ended up sitting next to a girl called Rebecca. She smelled so badly of cigarette smoke and it was horrible to sit next to for an hour. French is bad enough nevermind sitting next to someone who has obviously just been smoking. Then I had Art - the class where I always sit and talk to my friend Dawid - today it was about his cousin Kacper's First Holy Communion at the weekend, his fancies for a new punk girl called Kirstin who has green hair and I honestly cannot see what all the boys see in her and us arranging to go to Papa Joes, a pizza shop near us which we have been trying to arrange an evening to go to for like a year now. Then it was Lunch where me and Lauren made a mad dash for Touch to buy yet more Irn Bru in the sweltering 20 degree heat (which is very hot for Scotland) before "hurrying" back to school absolutely melting for a Chemistry practise. More like banter with the teacher than doing any Chemisty work. Despite Mr Redman being an awesome teacher and a nice man he didnt really do much to calm out worries about the up and coming NAB. Both me and Lauren do Intermediate 2 Chemisty but at different times and both me and Lauren are struggling. Well then it was RMPS which was more like a Physics lesson - trying to make electric circuits to prove that complex things ie. the Universe cant happen randomly. Your guess is as good as mine what that was all about. Then it was Business Management where I forgot my homework. Nothing new there - I dont think in the whole year I've taken Bus Man so far I've handed in one piece of homework on time. We watched two videos - one about being a good interviewee and a second about being a good interveiwer. Then hometime - where I got off the bus at a later stop beside a shop to buy...yup, you guessed it...more Irn Bru - well can you blame me when the weather is soooo god dam hot and Irn Bru is so refreshingly chilled. Then came home, my Mum bought McDonalds (thanks Mum), then wrote my blog. Interesting, eh? Well THE END Kerri xxx (PS you will have to learn to ignore the many spelling and grammar mistakes there will be in all my entrys. I write as it comes natural to me in my head which may not be grammaticaly correct but honestly who cares?)

Monday, 17 May 2010

Well, today was okay. Stayed in bed too late and had to run for the bus as usual lol. Then after arriving in school walked to Raja's (a little corner shop beside my school) to buy orangeade. Then waited for Lauren to find out she still hasnt asked about shopping at the weekend!!!! Grrr!!! Then I had English where my teacher was off so had to do this book about personality and as usual Anthony and me ended up in tears of laughter as he wrote in his jotter in response to the question We know we have different attitudes with different people? What are these different attitudes? When are we the real us? by writing that he is very diffferent around different people because his name is sometimes Bob and sometimes Rai and sometimes Ant and he has split personality disorder. Suppose you had to be there but it was hilaurious. Then Chemisty when we blow stuff up!! Always like doing that - we filled a tin with methane and oxygen and the lid blow off with a bang. We also found the date of our NAB (an important Int 2 exam) to be next week. Noooooo!!! Then break and Lauren put my beloved orangeade in the bin! And after a stare down she went and got it back! Bin raker!! Haha lol! Then RMPS where we were doing the Telelogical Arguement - YAWN!! I spent the period revising for Spanish which I had next and the threat of detention if I didnt know my vocab - You can take for granted that I shut off at Spanish and didnt give a toss especially as we were doing verbs...again!!! Then lunch it was such a beautiful and sunny day for once and as usual me and Lauren went to Touch and then sat at the swings for ages and chatted - mostly me reminding Lauren to ask about shopping at the weekend. Then rounders in PE - me and Lauren in seperate teams and I sucked lol. Then Maths and the evil Mrs Borth - boring as hell! Then hometime!!!! :D Then I come home - go to sleep for an hour or so because I am so shattered, go on twitter, have my tea - pasta, then my mum, dad and brother go to karate leaving me, I feel so abondoned lol, then watching EastEnders and phoning Lauren to find out that SHE CANT COME SHOPPING!!!!!! Arrrggghh!!! And then started this blog. Kerri xxx

Hello World

Hello and welcome to the first entry in my blog. This will be a place to record what happens in my life at home and at school. But first a quick intro to me - my name is Kerri, I'm 14 years old - just a normal teenage girl. I live in a sub-urb called Fife - it's in Scotland and not the most exiting place in the world to be quite honest. I go to St Columbas High School which has to be the craziest place in the world. My best friend is Lauren - she is the same age as me and she is so important to me - she is like my soul sister. She is so happy and upbeat and funny and I would like to thank her with all my heart for always being there for me. Other friends are Sarah, Anthony, Dawid, Kirstin etc. but I'm sure you'll here about them as the blog goes on. My family life is pretty boring - there's me and my parents who always argue, my ten-year-old brother Daniel (grrr) and most exitingly I am expecting a new addition to my family, my baby sister due in Summer so I'll keep you updated on that. But really, my social life is far more interesting so I'll write about that mostly. Well hope you like this blog lol. kerri xxx